General Conditions

Terms And Standard "conditions" of the rents CAR MOBILE

By the present agreement, CARMOVIL rents the vehicle (or the vehicle by which was replaced) to the Arrendatario with subjection to the terms and conditions contained so much in the pagina 2 as in the present, and the Arrendatario by means of his signature forces  to the same like essential part of the agreement:

1. DELIVERY And RETURN The Arrendatario recognises and declare that the vehicle finds  in good condition general, without apparent defects, forcing to give back it to CAR MOBILE in the same state and condi¬ción, with all the documents and accessories, in the place and date mentioned in ot present agreement. CARMOVIL Reserves  the right to obtain the return of the vehicle anytime during him force of the present agreement, if his utilisation contravened the dis-, put in the same.

2. DAMAGES. Etc. - In case of loss of the vehicle or damage to the same during ei period for hire, ol Arren¬datario will have to credit immediately to CAR MOBILE the amount of slime spend or loss suffered by CAR MOBILE with such reason, excepting only the supposition in that the Arrendatario have fulfilled sure enough the whole of the terms and conditions of this agreement. In such supposition: to) The Arrendatario will remain EXENTO of the derivative responsibilities of the stray of the vehicle or damages to the same when one or another result of fire or theft, being in this last necessary case the presentation to CAR MOBILE of the comprobante of-Complaint presented by the Arrendatario to the police authorities in a term do 24 hours- In no case the arrendatario remained exento of the franchise: b) The responsibility of the Arrendatario by loss of the vehicle or give us to the same cuan¬do one or others result of crash or dump I) will remain LIMITED to the amount fixed in the so the valid, or II) will understand  RENOUNCED by CAR MOBILE IF THE Arrendatario accepts the Protection against Crash" with his signature in the page 2 of this agreement

3 PAYMENTS ' The Arrendatario paid or reembolsará on time to CAR MOBILE adds it of the following concepts

    To) The price of the time and kilometraje calculated according to price reflected in the page 2 of this agreement or according to price in force

    b) The corresponding quantities to petrol ? Protection against Crash? Sure personal against accidents and/or any one other charges (extraordinary and varied standard) that they are applied, calculated according to so much give the page 2 of this agreement or according to price in force

    _c) All the.Taxes of any one nature that tax the rents or. In his case, the quantities demanded by CAR MOVII a concept of repayment of said taxes

    d) The expenses incurred by CARMOVlL (included honorarios of Lawyers and-Procure-gild in the claim of the quantities owed by the Arrendatario in virtue of the present agreement.

    And) The fines, sanctions or similar, judicial coasts v other expenses that are him exi¬gidos to CARMOVIL by legal mandate, on relation with the use of the vehicle during the period of the rent, unless they were caused by fault of CAR MOBILE S>» embargo, this will not exempt to the Arrendatario m to third of his responsibilities in front of official Organisms in reason of the illegal behaviour of the Arrendatario or oe these third

    f) All the damages suffered in wheels, llantas, tyres punctured or popped etc. All the charges mentioned are, anyway subjects to the corresponding review of the Auditors

4 COMPENSATION In the measure and extension authorised by the laws. CAR MOBILE will not be responsible of the damages or damages suffered by the Arrendatario or third with reason of the use and funcio¬namiento of the vehicle, neither of the loss of goods (or damages to goods) of the Arrendatario left in the vehicle, by the losses or resultant discomforts of the demora in the delivery or possible failure of engine or another cause, v the Arrendatario will free to CAR MOBILE of all damage or responsibility in this regard.

- The Arrendatario forces  to cuidar the vehicle with the esmero had to and especially will not allow that it use

    To) For the service by price of transport of people or goods.

    b) For traction or tow of vehicles, tugs or other objects.

    c) In careers, proofs or competitions.

    d| When the Arrendatario or another driver of the vehicle was under the effects of the alcohol, drugs alucinógenas, narcotics, compound barbitúricos or another substance that weaken his consciousness or capacity of reaction

    And) In contravention of the disposals aduaneras, of traffic or others.

    f) Per person distinct of the Arrendatario except that it have been previously designated and authorised by CARMOVIL using the space to the effect in the page 2 of this agreement

6 SAFE CAR MOBILE will facilitate the coverage by the Safe to the users of the vehicle authorised by CAR MOBILE (and only pear they) of compliance with the corresponding policy automo¬vilística, whose terms and conditions and exceptions remain incorporated to the present agreement by means of this reference as if they were here reproduced in detail and according to the acceptance by the Arrendatario in the page 2 of this agreement

7 If some stipulation of the present agreement was not valid or exigible. Such stipulation will not affect for nothing to the validity of the present agreement neither to the other stipulations of the same, and will have  by substituted by another valid and exigible that produce equal or analogous result

8 ACCIOENTES The Arrendatario, suits in prologar the interests gives CAR MOBILE and of the company takes¬guradora of CAR MOBILE. In case of accident, during the term of force of this agreement, of the following way

    To) Obtaining the names and directions of the people wrapped in the accident asi as of the possible witnesses .

    b) Not admitting responsibility or culpability

    c) Not abandoning the vehicle without taking the suitable measures to protect it and salvaguardarlo.

    d) Giving a detailed report to the base CAR MOBILE of exit inside the 24 following hours to the accident.

    And) Warning immediately to the police if the culpability of the another pane has to be investigated or if there are people injured

9 JURISDICTION All difference that arise between the Arrendatario and CAR MOBILE will subject  to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts and Courts of the province where has/to been enrolled the vehicle Condition additional for the commercial vehicles The commercial vehicles will not be able to be used

    To) For his lease very was of explicit or implicit way, neither for the trans¬carry of passengers. b) For transport of marcénelas in contravention of the Regulations give* Customs to ? Of any another supposed of contravention of Laws. Regulations and Ordenanzas. The Arrendatario will obtain to his expensas all the permissions, licences and autorizacio¬nes precise for the transport of classified commodities like special by the valid Laws of Transports

    The For transponer commodities with upper weight to the maximum authorised for said sees¬hículo neither commodities deficientemente distributed or badly attach neither to effect be¬vices of load fractionated, understanding by load fractionated the expeditions in that there is more than an alone remitente and/or more than an alone consignatario

    d) Pear transponer fish, flammable matters, explosive, liquid and gaseous fuels, fruits and hortalizas in greater route of 300 km and any class gives clear bottled.

    And) To go out out of the country unless it have obtained  previously permission written of the Arrendador

    f) The high parts, in no case are ensured.

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